MC Abbey, a comedian with a gospel background has reacted to the call for elimination of gospel comedy in church meetings and events.
Mike Bamiloye, the president of Mount Zion Faith Ministries International (a Christian Film/Drama organisation), had criticised invitation of comedians to churches because laughing at “jokes of scriptures, the Blood of Jesus, speaking in tongues, the throne of grace etc,” is a mockery of God.
MC Abbey took to Instagram to share his opinion, saying that about that decades ago, drama was condemned in the church. He added that people should not try to “box God and play God”. He wrote:
STOP!!!I read all this ungodly write-ups against gospel comedy in church by respected people and I just wonder…
30yrs ago that’s how drama was condemned in the church by people who like to box God and play God until they saw the light. There reasons to them were valid bcos the alter is sacred so nor drama acts should be on the alter… Did it hold?… U can’t fight what God has blessed, yes there is need to caution some comedians likewise musicians and preacher who do erroneously but Pls do not insult or discredit the place of gospel comedy in church cos u will be making a great mistake…
I take out time in prayers and fasting to prepare bfr climbing and alter for inspiration and I get it and u are there trying to discredit my relationship with God vis-a-vis my ministry as a comedian cos u don’t understand it and later u say the Holy Spirit told u plssssss just shut up ! Wch Holy Spirit, the one that I get inspiration from or another or do we now have two Holy Spirit setting confusion in the body of Christ or just some people with shallow revelation of our faith sounding spiritual…
Don’t get things and people confused gospel comedy is not jesting, jesting means coarse and vulgar, we don’t do that so stop quoting scriptures out of context…eph5:4(amp version) Let there be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse [obscene or vulgar] joking, because such things are not appropriate [for believers]; but instead speak of your thankfulness [to God]…now that’s jesting and authentic gospel comedians don’t Jest…#beenlightened #enoughsaid
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