Mr Wellington Nathaniels who resides in Germany, came to The SCOAN to share a testimony that had to be seen to be believed. In 2012, he began to experience back pain which he tried to ignore; in 2014, he could bear the pain no more. He went to the doctors who promptly sent him to a specialist to find out the cause. An X-ray of his spine revealed spinal cord deformation. The specialists told Mr Wellington, there and then, that there was nothing they could do, he would just have to live with the pain as his spine would continue to deform. They offered him medication to help manage the pain and he went home bemused. Due to his deformed spine, Mr Wellington never had a good night’s sleep, having to lie directly on the floor.
Fortunately, a ray of light came when he was introduced to Emmanuel TV. With no alternative in mind, Mr Wellington visited The SCOAN where he received prayer and went home with the Morning Water. The pain began to subside and he went back to the hospital where they took another X-ray of Mr Wellington’s spine. To everyone’s amazement, Mr Wellington’s spine had gone back to its original form. The doctor was baffled and said that the way Mr Wellington’s spine had healed – he had never seen before. Mr Wellington told him that it was the work of God.
Now, Mr Wellington sleeps like a baby, on a bed! To God’s glory, Mr Wellington displayed the X-rays clearly showing his spine when it was deformed and after his miracle, when the bones had realigned.
He advised, ‘Only by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony do we overcome difficulties’.
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