The experience is life-changing and the anointing evident from the sound of his voice to the passion of his spirit.
From Prospa Ochimana‘s debut single “The Great I Am” to the consecration slow rock “It All Belongs To You,” the unceasing stirring of the atmosphere of God’s presence is so tangible and evident with ripples of testimonies and waves of encounters around the world through these songs.
Here comes a new sound that pierces through celestials and brings the spirit of man to the presence of “Ekwueme”, featuring another worshiper of great depth and impact “Mrs Nwachukwu” (Her ministry in songs through the Holy Spirit leaves a very intense atmosphere of encounters and deliverances).
The song title “EKWUEME” (meaning the God who says it and does it) sang in English and Igbo (Eastern Nigerian language) is a pure slow-tempo, power packed spiritual music.
Get ready to launch into the deep, for an encounter, to experience the marvelous works of the ONE who says it and does it. Turn on the volume and turn down worldly pressure through this song. We can’t wait to hear you share your testimonies like others around the world. Be blessed!
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Onye Nwe anyi Ezitewo
our God that sent
Ndi Mmoziya ka ha nonyere anyi
His angels to come be with us
You are The Living God O!
Eze, No one like YOU
Ekwueme ! Ekwueme !! ( The ONE who says and does it)
Ekwueme ! Ekwueme !!
You are the living God o!
Eze, no one like you.
You’re my Healer,
you’re my Keeper
My Restorer
My Lifegiver
You are the living God o!
Eze no one like YOU
No one can do me like you do
No one can touch me like you do, God!
You are the living God o!
Eze no one like YOU
You picked me from the miry clay set my feet on the rock to stay
You’re my Promoter
You’re my Defender
You are the Living God o!
Eze, No One like you
(Igbo language)
Okechi e nnukwu chi – 2x
Great God, massive God
Nani gi bu ome okachie
Only you has the final say
Nani ihe ikwuru bu ihe ina eme
Its only what yo u say that comes to pass
Omo okachie nnukwu chi
Final say, massive God
Amama amasi amasi
All wise God
Olori ihe loro che loro enti
He swallows , what swallows an elephant
Agu bata Ohia Mgbada awara Oso
The tiger that appears and puts the antelope on a run
Ekwueme so gi bu Ekwueme
the one who says and does it ,You are the one that says and does it
Ihe ikwuru bu ihe ina eme
What you say is what you do
Ihe ikara bu ihe ina eme
You do what you say
Obu onye n’ekwu ma chim kwuchasia
Who can say it when my God has not said it.
Obu Onye N’aturu chim uka chukwu
Who tells God what to do?
Inweghi mgbanwe chukwu ebighebi e
Forever and ever you changeth not
Inweghi onyiri amama amasi amasi
You have no comparison, the all wise God
Ebube dike, Okechi Ekwueme
Glorious in Power, Great God, The one who says and does
ihe ikwu k’ina eme
what you say is what you do
Oloro Ihe loro ihe loro
He that swallows what swallow
enyi kpuru odumu n’ one
elephant and kept lion in His Month
Oke nmanwu n’eta Onwe ya
Great masquerade that guides Himself
Ogbara nkiti Okwu biri n’ onu ya
In His Silence , he still has the final say
Echeta obi esie ike
The One you remembers and you’re Confident
gaga n’ ogwu
He who tread on thones Comfortably
Amama amasi amasi
The all wise God
Oje n’ nmuo, Oje na madu chukwu Oma
The one who travels in the Spirit and in the physical ,Good God
Obata ulo adinma
He comes to a Home everyone is Happy.
Ebube dike 4x Ekwuemeeeee!!!!!!!
Glorious in Power
Ekwueme ! Ekwueme!!
Ekwueme ! Ekwueme !! Ekwueme mue
Chi jury éluigwe we ju Uwa nile
God who fills the heaven and the earth
Ekwueme ihe ikwuru ka ina eme
what you says is what you do
Ekwueme nani gi bu ekwueme
He that says and does, only you says and does.
ikuku aman’onya chi obioma
The wind that cannot be trapped
Ekwueme ememue Ogara ngada nga
the one who says and does, the wealthiest
obata ulo adi uma, chukwu onye olu ebube
the one that comes to a home and everyone is happy, the God that does glorious Things
Ekwueme ihe ikwuru ka’ina eme
The one that says and does, what you say is what you do
Obu onye n’aturu gi uka chukwu oma
Who tells you what to do, my God
Obudi Onye n’ekwu ma ikwuchasi chukwu ebighebi
Who can say when you’re done talking? Everlasting God
nani gi bu ekwu eme, ihe ikara bu ihe ina eme
The only one that says and does, you’re the one that says and does it
Ekwueme ibu ekwueme, Oke nmiri nke n’ebu ogwe
The one who says and does, the flood that carries the bridge
Ebighebi eligwe , Oke nmanwu n’eti onwe ya obata ulo adimma
You are Heaven Forever , The masquerade that dresses Himself
Chukwu 5x ah! Ekwueme imedawomu obi
God! You have consoled my heart
Chukwu oma ,Oletara onye emejoro chukwu oma
Good God, the one that consoles the offended
Ekwueme, chi n’echere mu so gi bu ekwueme o
The one who says and does, the one who thinks of me, the one who says and do
Ekwuemem mu mh mh Ekwueme
the one who says and does,
See What you’ve done for me
See how you set me free
You are the Living God O!
Eze, no one like You..
See what you’ve done for me
See How You delivered me.
You are the Living God O!
Eze ,no one like you
Eze no one like you 2x
You are the living God
Eze no one like you
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