Based On Grace – Intro to the EP
Here is an awesome piece by Quiz tha Great as a welcome gift into the Month of love to all his family worldwide as he chose to call them.
Based On Grace (The Intro) to the EP which is set to be released in February/March 2019, is a song you cannot, and do not want to miss listening to as Quiz tha Great talks about how gracious God is to all his children.
The Prolific Rapper, Songwriter and Motivator has been talking about the EP since late 2018, and finally the Body Of Work is getting ready to be released.
B.O.G meaning “Based On Grace” is definitely a project that will change lives and inspire all as Quiz tha Great shares his unique story with us.
We can’t wait! But for now, here’s to you and everyone that loves good music…. Based On grace – the intro.
Enjoy and share with all your loved ones in this month of love, and if any part of the song resonates with you,
please make a video and share on Instagram and tag @Quizthagreat @teamquizthagreat….Lets make this song a viral success, as it already is. GOD BLESS YOU.
Instagram: @Quizthagreat
Twitter: @Quizdamc
Facebook: Quiz tha Great
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