“Omo mi gbo temi” means “My son, hear my instruction.” The song is written to admonish children and youths, and advise them to listen to their parents’ teaching. According to Proverbs 1:8, children are instructed to follow their parents’ advice. Lanre Ej, emphasized on this while also adding that children and youths should honor elders, follow God’s commandments, turn away from bad habits and sinful behaviors, and live
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godly life worthy of emulation.
My child, listen to me
My child, listen to me
My child, listen to me
My child, listen to me
My child, listen to me
Exodus chapter 20 verse 12
Give honor to your father and mother
So that your days may be long on the earth I the your Lord God has given you
This child don’t kill me
Will later or sooner become this child don’t kill yourself 2x
Your father has given birth to you
Your mother has birthed you
Rebirth yourself
Read the word of God
Be calm
Be gentlemanly
Don’t steal
Don’t be lazy
Give honor to whom it is due
Be humble
My child, be obedient to God 2x
You are God’s gift
My child, be obedient to God
You are a child of God
My child, be obedient to God
You should behave like God
My child, be obedient to God
We are all God’s family
My child, be obedient to God
Don’t eat anything unwholesome
My child, be obedient to God
Don’t drink anything unwholesome
My child, be obedient to God
Don’t be obstinate to the word of God
My child, be obedient to God
Gentleness should be your path
My child, be obedient to God
My child, be obedient to God
My child, be obedient to God
Lanre Ejibunu, known as Lanre Ej is a Pastor, gospel artist and broadcaster living in United States of America.
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