Omo Atobiju is here again with a new single Irin Ajo (The Journey).
in all your dealings, walk/work with God you discover new things about him and yourself.
For the path of the just is like a shinning light that shines brighter and brighter untill the perfect day.
Let he that thinketh he stands take heed lest he falls.
It’s all about the Journey…..
Download & be blessed
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o Oluwa x2
Irin Ajo ya……..
Verse 1:
I have wondered away
I have gone astray
little times, little moment I’ve gone all alone
I am lost in the dark,
I can’t find my path
I am all in an island and no where to go (Repeat)
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o Oluwa
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o Oluwa
Mofe tele o (Mon tele Olugbala Oluwa) x4
Verse 2:
I’ve come to realize
you’re the source of my strength
you’re my life
in you I hide
you are my guiding light
mo mase ifere
mumi wo inu ogo re
hold my hands,
help my life
lighten my path
you are my strength and shield
in you I am fufilled
ninu aye mi
orin ogo re
orin ogo re ma mako
yeah eh……..
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o Oluwa
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o Oluwa
Mofe tele o (Mon tele Olugbala Oluwa) x4
Mofe tele o (Mon tele Olugbala Oluwa) x8
Irin Ajo ya,
moti ready lati tele o oluwa x2.
Facebook: Samuel Olakunle Olajide also Omo Atobiju Gospel.
Instagram: Omo_ Atobiju
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