This is Oyotunji village in South Carolina. The
community was founded by a black America
named Walter Eugene King who was born on
October 5, 1928 in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Eugene went to the Cass Technical High School
and got fascinated by the African culture. He also
got exposed to the Katherine Dunham Dance
Troupe at the age of 20 which increased his love
for the African culture, particularly that of the
On August 26, 1959, Eugene became the
first African born in America to become fully
initiated into the Orisa-Vodun African priesthood
by African Cubans in Matanzas, Cuba. This
marked the beginning of the spread of Yoruba
religion and culture among African Americans.
With a few followers, and after dissolution of the
Order of Damballah Hwedo, Eugene founded the
Sango Temple in New York and incorporated the
African Theological Arch Ministry in 1960. The
Sango Temple was relocated and renamed the
Yoruba Temple the same year.
In the fall of 1970, Eugene founded the Yoruba
Village of Oyotunji in Beaufort County South
Carolina, and began the careful reorganization of
the Orisa-Vodu Priesthood along traditional
Nigerian lines. He was initiated to the Ifa
priesthood by the Oluwa of Ijeun at Abeokuta, Nigeria, in August of 1972.
He was named king of Oyotunji community in
1972 with the designation, His Royal Highness
Oba (King) Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu
Adefunmi I, born Baba Adefunmi. He later died
and his son, Adefunmi Adejuyigbe took over as
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