I am glad that Father Mbaka of the Catholic Church
has finally seen the light and that he has
denounced the Buhari regime. This coming from a
man that once supported the President vigorously,
even when members of his own flock and faith
were being slaughtered, marginalised and humiliated, is cheery news.
Yet there are still many more Church leaders that
supported the Buhari government, that sold their
souls to the devil and that need to follow Mbaka’s
example and recant.
The great philosopher, writer and intellectual Mr. Dante Alighieri once said that “the hottest place in
hell is reserved for those who maintain their
neutrality at a time of moral crisis”.
To add to this it was our very own Professor Wole
Soyinka, the distinguished Nobel Laureate, that
said “the man died in him who remained silent in
the face of tyrrany”.
I have no doubt in my mind that this is the time to
speak out because we are not only in a time of
great moral crisis in our country but we are also
facing persecution and wholesale tyrrany.
I am making this contribution not out of fear for
the plight of the Christendom in Nigeria because I
know that, as the Holy Bible says, “the gates of hell
cannot prevail against the Church”. It also says “He
who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor
It follows that no matter what the enemies of the
gospel throw our way, including one million
President Buhari’s, at the end of the day we shall
I am making this contribution not out of fear or to
divide our nation but rather in an attempt to
inform the Nigerian people and the world about
what is really going on in President Buhari’s
What many fail to appreciate is that the Church and
the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was built and
spread by the blood and the bones of the Christian
It follows that the more you persecute, jail and kill
Christians and the more you subject them to terror,
shame, insensitivity and humiliation the more the
Church grows.
Where the so-called “great” Christian leaders of
Christendom with the mega-Churches and the
better known Pastors and Bishops in the land
have compromised with evil and have chosen to
either side with the enemy or remain silent when
confronted with the tyrrany of the state, the Lord will raise other voices to stand up for and speak
for His people.
Nobody is indispensible to the Living God, no
matter how large, rich and powerful your Church
is and no matter how many people you have in
your congregation.
Once you have betrayed the faith and joined
hands with those that seek to destroy the gospel
and persecute Christians in our country you are
finished and your end has already been
determined by God. It is just a matter of time.
Yet thankfully there are some men and women of
God that have refused to be silenced, that have
proved to the world that they are not cowards and
that have chosen to remain true to the faith.
These are the true believers who have not sold
their heritage, faith and future for a mess of
pottage. These are the faithful remnant who have
refused to sit back silently and watch our Lord and
His message being crucified all over again. These
are the true saints whose reward is the Kingdom of God.
An example is Pastor Bright Bayo Oladeji, who is a
journalist by profession and a Baptist preacher by
calling. On the 2nd August 2016 he wrote the
following on his Facebook page.
“Where are the Christians who sold the
Church? The Islamic agenda is being
perfected. Professor Ishaq Oloyede, a
prominent Islamic fanatic who said he was
not aware Christians are being attacked
and killed is now to head JAMB replacing Prof Ojerinde, a Baptist.
Four Muslims were not replaced but left to
continue. Out of the 17 offices, 9 new replacement
are Muslims and 4 retained are Muslims. 13 out of
17 are now Muslims. NUC, Muslim. JAMB, Muslim.
TETCOM, Muslim.
Where are those Christian leaders who sold the
Church for a plate of porridge? Where are those
telling us Professor Yemi Osinbajo would stand for
the Church being a Pastor?
Do they involve him in all these lopsided
appointments in favour of the North and Muslims
or not? Do we have Christians among the APC
leaders? Does Odigie-Oyegun, the National
Chairman of the ruling party really belong to the
Catholic church?
The fact that Buhari released these appointments
the same day that the PUNCH Newspaper
published an editorial titled “Buhari’s parochial
appointments” (this is a paper that endorsed his
candidacy) is a dirty slap on the nation.
To say the least, it is a corruption with impunity.
Many are afraid to speak out and are being
intimidated by the security operatives. Have we
become second class citizens in our own
Pastor Bayo, as insightful and courageous as ever,
has asked a pertinent question.
Sadly the answer to that question is “YES”: since
Buhari came to power Christians have become
second class citizens in Nigeria. We warned our
people but they wouldn’t listen.
Nigerians said they wanted “change” and now
they must live with it. Every Christian that
supported President Buhari and the APC, including
some of the most prominent Church leaders,
should bow their heads in shame.
As long as this evil continues we will not remain
silent and neither shall we be intimidated. No
matter how hard they try Nigeria will NEVER be
Islamized and neither will our Christian faith be
When Christians are treated with respect and
dignity and when they are honored in the land
that is when we will know that true change has
When Yoruba Muslims are allowed to lead their
northern counter-parts in prayer in the mosque
that is when we will know that true change has
When the secularity of the Nigerian state is
reiterated and confirmed that is when we will
know that true change has come.
When southerners are regarded as being on the
same level as northerners in the affairs of our
nation that is when we will know that true change
has come.
When the murderous Fulani herdsmen and militias
are finally disarmed and when they stop
slaughtering our people with impunity and
without any fear of retribution from the state that
is when we will know that true change has come.
When Christians are no longer murdered in cold
blood in some parts of the north simply for
exercising their faith whilst the government turns
a blind eye that is when we will know that true
change has come.
When Christians leaders are no longer subjected to
insults and brutal assault by over- zealous security
agents simply for praying and reading the Holy
Bible that is when we will know that true change
has come.
When the Igbo people are not treated as pariah
citizens and when their children are no longer
shot in the streets like stray dogs simply because,
as a people, they have their own dreams and
aspirations and simply because they are
protesting against the manifest injustice that they have been subjected to in the land, that is when
we will know that true change has come.
When Middle Belters and the northern minorities
are allowed to carve out their own identity and
when they are freed from the intimidation,
harassment, hegemony, genocide, cultural
imperialism and slavery of the core Muslim north
then we will know that true change has come.
Until then the change that the Buhari
administration has offered and served to the
Nigerian people is nothing but fake. It is a classic
case of 419. It is evil. It is wicked. It is nothing but
a monuemental fraud.
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