It’s important for Christians to build their
marriage on the foundation of God to avoid the
danger of divorce, the Rev. Billy Graham wrote.
Responding to a question posted to “My Answers” on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s website, the 97-year-old
evangelical leader said that first and foremost, a
marriage should be built upon a relationship
with God.
“The most important thing you can do is to
build your marriage on God and His will for
your lives. As my wife used to say, a strong
marriage actually needs to include three
people: the husband, the wife – and God,”
Graham writes
It is important Christians view marriage as a gift
from God, rather than a legal contract or
cultural convenience, Graham continues.
“Remember: marriage isn’t just a social
convenience or a legal custom. Marriage comes
from God, and it is one of His greatest gifts to
us. When times of stress or disappointment
come (and they will), remember that God
brought you together, and you made your marriage vows not only to each other but also
to Him,” Graham writes.
To ensure this strong, faith-filled marriage
continues, spouses should strive to pray
together regularly every day.
“Pray together – not just before meals
(although that’s important), but regularly every
day. Set aside time also to read God’s Word
together, and seek out a church where you can
grow in your relationship with each other and
with Christ,” Graham writes.
The Baptist minister, who was married to his
wife, Ruth Graham, for 64 years, up to her
death in 2007, has spoken on the importance
of a faith-filled marriage before.
In a February 2016 post, Graham explains that “a good marriage doesn’t just happen — it
needs constant care,” and it is because several
Christians miss this truth that they end up in
Like a garden, which needs a strong
foundation of rich soil, upkeep, watering, and
protection, so marriage needs all of these
things as well.
“Marriage is somewhat like that garden. If it’s
neglected (if ‘weeds’ are allowed to flourish), if
a husband or wife begins taking their spouse
for granted or is insensitive to his or her needs
— then that marriage is in trouble,” Graham
writes. “Spending time together […] seeking to meet each other’s needs […] avoiding criticism
and backbiting — these and countless other
acts of kindness will go far to strengthen a
Graham adds that the reward for this constant
hard work is a healthy marriage.
Christians need Christ at the center of their
marriage because faith helps prevent against
one of the most dangerous threats to marriage:
“The most important advice I can give to any
young couple is to seek God’s will for their
marriage. Don’t leave it to chance, or depend
only on your own judgment. God knows all
about you; He knows your needs, and wants to
lead you to the spouse He has for you,” Graham writes in a March 2016 post. “The greatest enemy of love in a marriage is
selfishness — putting self first instead of the
needs of our spouse. This is why we need
Christ, because only He can transform our
hearts and make us into the husband or wife
He wants us to be.”
“Is Christ the center and foundation of your
marriage — and your life?” Graham concludes.
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