The key to a successful marriage is building its
foundation on Christ, the Rev. Billy Graham
says, giving advise to husbands embarking on
one of life’s greatest journeys with their bride.
Graham, a 97-year-old evangelical leader and
Baptist minister, shared his wise words in a
post this week for the Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association’s “My Answers” page, saying that in order to have a successful marriage, such a
union must be founded in a mutual love for
To have a God-focused and God-filled
marriage, both spouses must “see [their]
marriage as a gift from God.”
“God brought you together, and He is even
more concerned about your marriage than you
are. When you go through hard times as a
couple (and you will), never forget that God
gave your marriage to you, and He is with
you,” the evangelical leader advises, citing Matthew 19:6 that explains how marriage
makes two people one flesh.
Another key tenant to a successful marriage is
learning how to selflessly put your spouse
before yourself, Graham continues.
“True love means we want what is best not for
ourselves but for the other person,” the Batist
minister writes, saying a good attitude is to
wake up each day asking God how you can
bless your significant other.
“Above all, build your marriage — and your
lives — on Jesus Christ. Pray and read God’s
Word together, and seek His will in all things.
Help and encourage each other also, and seek
your wife’s forgiveness when you’re
thoughtless or insensitive. Christ gave His life for us; learn to give your lives to each other,”
Graham concludes.
The influential religious leader, who is known
for his international evangelical crusades, was
married to his wife, Ruth, for 64 years until her
death in 2007.
A Barna study from 2008 found that more born-again Christians tie the knot compared to
non-Christians in the U.S., with 84 percent of
evangelicals being married compared to 74
percent of those affiliated with non-Christian
The study also found that divorce is
widespread in America, reporting that of all
Americans who have married, 33 percent of
them say they’ve had at least one divorce.
Those least likely to have had a divorce include
Catholics at 28 percent and evangelicals at 26
percent, the survey found.
Several Christian leaders have differing
opinions on divorce and whether remarriage
after divorce is acceptable in the eyes of God.
In a September 2015 guest column for The Christian Post, Shane Idleman, founder and leader of Westside Christian Fellowship in
Lancaster, California, wrote that he believes
only God can answer the question if divorced
Christians have the biblical right to marry
“I believe that God hates divorce; reconciliation
is pleasing to Him. There are instances, in my
opinion, when one is released through
adultery and/or abandonment; however,
reconciliation should still be sought. First and
foremost, God’s will is that we walk in integrity, follow His principles, use wisdom, be patient,
and seek Him during the journey. For some,
reconciliation may result, for others it may not,”
Idleman wrote.
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