Nigerian Preacher, Bishop (Dr) Miracle Williams Whose Hummer Jeep Got Burnt Last Week While On His Way To Lagos From Sapele Has Been Gifted A Brand New Range Rover Jeep.
Read his story;
“On August 5th 2017, l was washing my Hummer for a great program in Sapele, Delta state, Nigeria. After the program as l was on my way returning home on 8th August 2017, l started noticing serious smoke coming out of the dashboard and bonnet.”
“Immediately l stopped and stepped down to open the bonnet. As my legs touched the ground, the next thing l heard was an explosion from the car that sounded like a bomb, followed by an unquenchable fire.”
“Not even a pin was removed from the car except my phone l was holding when l stepped down. Every other things, including my luggage, wears, shoes, driving licence, money, important documents etc etc were all burnt to ashes with the hummer because everything happened in a twinkling of eyes.”
“If God had not made me step down from the car within that one minute, the rest should have been a history by now. To him alone be the glory and praise.”
“Friends, join me give him all the praises because his words are true. He that keepeth lsreal neither slumber no sleep. Apostle bishop Dr miracle Williams.”
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