THE ONE EP is a special message to the entire world and each song is inspired greatly by the Holy Spirit. It has in it IN YOUR NAME that tells of the power and the authority in the name of Jesus. We have THE ONE which tells of our great assignment here on earth how we should go forth and show God’s praise. THANK YOU LORD is a deep song of praise and appreciation unto our God for His greatest love. We also have TALK AND DO GOD it tells of the powerful words of God that never fails. We have HE IS COMING BACK AGAIN (reloaded) this song is about the coming soon of our Lord Jesus how we should all prepare for His soon return especially at this last days and the last track RIGHT NOW is a prophetic song that says there’s a turn around in that situation.
De-Ola is an award-winning gospel artist, a fast rising music minister, songwriter, vocalist, and an anointed worship leader making rounds in the gospel music industry in Africa, Pacific Islands, and beyond. She is a Loveworld singer. Her unique style and distinct voice sets her apart.
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