In righteousness, Jesus gave the ultimate gift to God for us all, and through the offering of himself he brings us near to God. That is why his shed blood, sprinkled, (i.e., applied), in the presence of God and in our hearts, speaks better things than that of Abel’s!
As I look to the cross
I see the lamb of Calvary
Take a look at the cross
Flowing blood
Oh yeah!
How precious is the flow
That made me white as snow
No other fount I know
But the Lamb
There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ
Healing power in the blood
There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ
Healing power in the blood
Verse 2
What a fountain we have found
That cleans and purifise
Live is given through the blood
We overcome
By the covenant of this testament
Zoe is being restored
We never earn it
Yet we received this grace of God
Help me testify it
Call: o o
Res: o o
Call: o o
Res: o o
Call: there is deliverance
Res: in the blood
Call: o o
Res: o o
Call: o o
Res: o o
Call: there is victory
Res: in the blood
Call: power
Res: power
Call: power
Res: power
Call: power
Res: in the blood
Call: there is mighty power
Res: Power
Call: Mighty mighty power
Res: power
Call: oh healing power
Res: in the blood
Call: power that worketh and have no doubt
Res: power
Call: there is great great power
Call: oh cleansing power
Res: in the blood
It cleanses 3x
It cleanses 3x
It cleanses 3x
Yes it does
It makes white as snow
It purifise maketh new maketh white
Yes it does
Through this blood
We are maketh white
There is power in the blood
Healing power in the blood
Somebody lift up your hands and receive the power
Let the power flow from your head to your toes.
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