EL – B ( Love Brain) is back again with a single title Reconciliation officer, a timely message for every christian, no matter the denomination.
I am delighted to be reminded by this song that every Christian has a ministry, and it’s called the ministry of reconciliation.
So we are all ministers.
Therefore if you are not making saint, you are not making sense even if you are making a lot of cent.
Mark 16:15 says,”Go ye into the world and preach the gospel..
This is the most important aspect of your existence, and should be prioritized.
The spirit of God has inspired me to write this song to help you tune your desires and be effective in soul winning thereby turning many to righteousness.
So you are a reconciliation officer for Christ
Am not ashame of the gospel of Christ
For it’s the power of God
to those who believe
Am not ashame of the gospel,
The message of God
Unto salvation and to break every chain
Am not ashame of the gospel of Christ
For it’s the power of God to those who believe
Am not ashame of the gospel,
The message of God
Unto salvation and to break every chain
I am a sharer (sharer)
I sponsor (sponsor)
I preach
I do the work of an evangelist
Im an ambassador for Christ
got the ministry of reconciliation
Am on a mission
Am a missionary here on earth
I take the gospel every where I go
got the ministry of reconciliation.
Am a reconciliation officer for Christ
I do the work of an evangelist
I turn many
Many to righteousness
I take the gospel every I go
Pastor Chris oyakhilomen is my captain
We do the work of an evangelist
Am a reconciliation officer for Christ
I do the work of an evangelist
I turn many
Many to righteousness
I take the gospel every I go
Pastor Chris oyakhilomen is my captain
We do the work of an evangelist
Verse 2
This signs shall follow follow
Those who believe
In my name
they willl cast out demons
And they will surely surely speak
Speak with new tougues
They will take
They will take up serpent
And if they take anything deadly
It will by no means hurt them
They will lay hands on the sick
Those who are sick will recover
After the lord has spoken
He went up to heaven
Seat at the right hand of God
Now we go on preaching everywhere
I am a sharer (sharer)
I sponsor (sponsor)
I preach
I do the work of an evangelist
Im an ambassador for Christ
got the ministry of reconciliation
Am on a mission
Am a missionary here on earth
I take the gospel every where I go
got the ministry of reconciliation.
How beautiful is the feet to those
Who preach
The gospel of Christ
Those who turn
Many to righteousness are the stars.
That the light of the gospel may shine in their heart
Dispelling the darkness and we win them to Christ
That they may be rooted and grounded in love
Until they become
Trees of your righteousness.
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