God said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” giving us the assurance that He is always with us and no matter what we are going through, He’s right there to help us.
So, If you ever feel lonely, depressed
and afraid. If you you are being oppressed and ravaged by the storms of life; this is your song, own it: It will help to reassure you that you are not alone, for God is with you and He will never leave nor forsake you.
God gave me this song when I was so depressed and almost at the point of giving up. He spoke the words and also put them into a song so that you and I can keep singing it and reminding ourselves that He (God) is with us and He will never forsake us.
So, no matter what is going on around us, no matter what people say or do, we can not be afraid because God is on our side, we have all the victory.
Facebook – George Daniel
Instagram – georgedaniel_dcn
Tweeter – @iamgeorgedaniel
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