Ekele was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The song is all about Glorifying and Honoring the Name of God Almighty in Thanksgiving , praise and worship because HE alone is worthy.
For what He has been doing and will still do , l say Nara Ekele – take all the glory , Accept my Praise accept my worship.
You alone God derserves it.
Brief Biography about my music.
I started singing when l was a teenager at age 12-13,
I joined the girls fellowship choir at St Paul’s military Protestants Church Basawa Barracks Zaria , Kaduna State..
After the girl has grown up to adulicencen , 🤗 She proceeded to the adult choir. There l was until after my secondary School l want to High institution to study Nursing and graduated.
I had a vision writing in RED Ink in a white plain paper and HE says : “God to a church and join the choir which l obeyed. .. after the frist and half of same year God through the Holy Spirit will be giving me songs compose , sang and directions.. l will woke up and joilt it down. Most of the time singing with Angels .. sometimes this Angels are baby Angels , Adulicencen and Adult.
14/July/2019 with the help and power of God l Lunched my frist album Title Oh Lord Arise. The album is 7 tract.. and 2020 The second album ELoi
..and One Nation. All in the store.
I return all Glory to God Almighty because His word always comes to pass no matter how delayed.
Grace Ojo 😁
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