Hallelujah is a simple worship song written in response to an answered prayer. I prayed about a certain pressing need I had in my life and left it there, I was driving to Church foe choir rehearsal later that same day and God spoke to me concerning what I prayed for earlier and the only response my spirit could muster at that point was this song. It was very strong on my lips and drawing tears to my eyes.
Today we are blessed to be sharing this sound with you.
Download & be blessed
We worship with the Angels now
We dance around the throne…
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
To the Lamb who sits on the throne
We raise our voice, we raise a sound
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Halle lujah
Halle lujah
Halle lujah
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