Kufre Emmanuel is a Nigerian born Singer and Songwriter whose diverse style of music continues to thrill listeners the world over. He founded in 2020, writes for and leads a music band based in Abuja, Nigeria – Gates Choir, and have gone on to do many great songs with them.
His songs ranges from Inspirational to deep Spirituals. Famous among them are “PRAYER” which featured Christiana Acha, released on 31st of January 2021 and “IMAGE”, a passionate prayer of rededication which featured Faith Akobi, released on August 15, 2021.
Kufre Emmanuel is the Writer and Singer of “MISSION AFLAME”, the theme song of Gospel Mission Aflame, a Missionary Organization based in Melbourne, Australia.
His latest song, AMAZING GRACE, is a sound of praise that describes God’s goodness in all it’s dimensions. “My chains are gone I’ve been set free, His blood has ransomed me”. “Oh Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me”.
Seldom do we reflect on the benefits of God’s gift of Grace to us; However, it was Grace that brought us here and Grace would lead us home.
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