Olamide J-Soy and Yahweh Icons Song, Title: NO FEAR IN MY DNA, This is Sound Birthed Out from the Inspiration given by the Holyspirit to Give Us Boldness in Christ Just like the Bible has Said He(God) has not Given us the Spirit of Fear but of Sound Mind, and Boldness the Bible also Said if God be For Us who can be against us, so no matter what people said to happen this year and Onset we are not moved by what we hear around us instead we Dance into our Testimonies with no Fear in Our DNA. Yahweh Icons are Group of Youths who’s God has been Helping and has been blessing lives through them. They dropped their first Song In year 2020 Titled Too Much God which is still Blessing Lives and here they come with Another Powerful Danceable Song( No Fear In My DNA.. (Fb, IG, account: Yahweh Icons).
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