This song is a sound that echoes God’s faithfulness and goodness.
In the midst of it all YAHWEH, (LORD) IS GOOD.
“Be at rest once more, O my Soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7
Bukola Owolabi is a lover of Jesus who has passionately expressed His goodness in this sound. The call on her life is to bring hope to people and she does this through every means available.
She is a committed wife, caring mother, and an excellent teacher who has been in music for over three decades.
Bukola is a focused lover of Jesus, song writer and worship leader who together with her husband both worship at the Lighthouse Church Kaduna.
Download & be blessed
Your tender mercies oh God are new every morning
Your faithfulness so sure is to all generations
In the morning, noon and night, every season and time You are good
You are so good to me.
Produced @ A Tight Studio Kaduna.
Back ups –
1. MaryGold
2. Bukola Owolabi
Guitar –
Ayo Owolabi
Graphics – Aybee Adayi Station.
Facebook & IG – @Aybeeadayi.station
Connect with Bukola:
0812 435 7487
Facebook – Debby Bukky Owolabi
Instagram – @debbybukkyowolabi
YouTube – Bukola Owolabi
E-mail – [email protected]
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