Freedom Enetus Silas Known as Da Gospel The Spirit filled Gospel Minister, A Songwriter and a Worshipper who is here again with his New Singles Titled HOLY GHOST This highly anointed song will stir you up and bring you right before the very presence of the Father, This song was given by the Holy Spirit so many will gain access to God the Father in worship.
His name reigns forevermore, there’s none to compare to him for he his phenomenal.
Download, Listen & Share God bless you richly.
Facebook: Freedom Silas
Instagram: Iam_dagospel
Twitter: Iam_dagospel
Song Lyrics
Father we worship you
Sweet Spirit of the Living God
Creator of the universe
Holy Ghost x4
You’re mighty
You’re seated on the throne
Holy Ghost…. Your name be praised
You’re Yahweh
Beginning and the end
Holy Ghost….. Ohhh Holy Ghost
That’s what I’ve found in you
You brightens our lives
Incredible Holy Ghost
Miracle working God
You open blind eyes
Phenomenal Holy Ghost
Your name
Reigns forevermore
There’s none to compare to you
Exceptional Holy Ghost
That’s who you’re Holy Ghost
Thank you sweet Holy Ghost
Precious Holy Ghost
Beautiful Holy Ghost
Gracious Holy Ghost
Marvelous Holy Ghost
Oh oh Holy Ghost
Victorious Holy Ghost
I adore you Holy Ghost || Creator of the Universe || You’re amazing || You’re excellent || There’s none like you|| In you I’ve found peace || Thank you for bringing me into your divine life|| Thank you for loving me.
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