“Gbagaahun!!!” That’s the sound, that moment
when you finally realise that
God has done so much more for you this year than
you ever asked for.
Oh you still trying to count or check if it’s true! Well
lemme help you!
That air that you breathe How much did you pay?
So many times we busy counting what we don’t
have rather than giving thanks
for the one we have. Remember that song that says
‘Some have food, but
cannot eat’
Well we’ve come to help you and wake you up, that
no matter what has
happened this year, Bro, Sis, Mama Papa, Junior, I
tell you, You get ‘Many
Reasons’ to pray the Lord.
Enjoy this tune of Celebration and Praise from these
musical Taliban..
2013 Entertainment launched its first promotional
work by bringing together
on a song ‘Praise MC’s’
Many Reasons. Features Alagba Jk(Our Today’s
Fasting Rising Gospel Video
Director), Dabo Williams (Kabiyesi Himself from Zion
Music Recordz) and
E-wise (AnotherImage).
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