I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help, our help comes from the Lord.
This is a song that gives an expression of brokenness, when we have come to a conclusion that we as mortals can’t help ourselves, The main reason for this song by Evang Ernest Robinson is for men to cry unto God for help instead of keeping quite, call upon him for the help you need and he will answer. Enjoy as you listen Yerem-Aka by Evang Ernest Robinson
Instagram: Ernestrobin4u
Facebook: Evang Ernest Robinson
Twitter: Ernestrobin24
Ernest Robinson-Yerem-Aka lyrics
Amaam ihe ngeme Chineke yerem-aka
Amaam ihe ngeme chukwu oo yerem-aka ooo
Amaam ihe ngeme oo chineke yerem-aka
Oh yerem-aka ehhh *2
Verse 1
You are the father to the fatherless
Creator of the whole universe
Who can challenge your way Na who wan try your authority In the midst of pain and distress everyone deserted me
Lord send your Angels oh oh oh
I don’t know what to do Jehovah send your help
I don’t know what to do Jesus send your help oh…
I don’t know what to do spirit send your help
Oh send your help oh…*2
Chorus*3 till fade
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