i can do a things, through Christ who strengthens me…phillipians 4:13…
This song picks vital lessons from Phillipians chapter 4 as a whole.
where paul encourages us to live in peace, be joyfully always, rejoice always, pray at without ceasing, praise always, think pure thoughts, be content and finally we can do all of this through Christ who strengthens us…
this album is filled with songs from the scriptures and born out of the desire to teach my children and myself the scriptures and also to be able to locate it in the bible.
most times we know scriptures but don’t know where it is in the bible, so this solves that problem.
our children need to hear and fill their hearts with God’s word, to be able to withstand the challenges in our world today.
singing is the fastest way to memories anything hence I have adapted this.
I pray that God’s word would be rooted in your hearts and childrens heart as you learn God’s word and have fun.
God bless you as we spread His word to the ends of the Earth.
we know that the word of God is infaillable, and our most offensive weapon of warfare,
hence we must study to show ourselves… fill our hearts and minds with the word of God, that is able to keep us.
Am a song writer, artiste and love to teach children God’s word via songs.
Am also an architect and author
Facebook: Gloria Omaivboje Bulus
Instagram: Gloriaomobulus
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