Godwin praise is a young ,daring Gospel singer,an inspirational song writer,a versatile singer, who minister through the insight of the word,who has other singles to his credit e.g Amanam ,kabiesi,love me soteh
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Instagram: Godwin praise 001
Mighty God he’s a mighty God/2×
Oh oh
You are a mighty God/4x
You re’ the reason why am alive today
Jesus you are the mighty God
You re’ the reason why I raise my voice to sing
Saviour you are the mighty God
You re’ the reason why I lift my hands and shout halleluyah
Jesus you are the mighty God
You are God who is ,who was,and is to come
Saviour you are the mighty God
you are God ,there is no one else like you
You are king ,you rule over the earth
There is none ,none can compare to you
Jesus you are the mighty God
Call:you are God,
Res:you are God
Call:you are king
Red:you are king
All: you are the mighty God
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