For unto us a child is born and unto us a son I
giving. The government shall be upon His shoulder
and His name shall be called Emmanuel, for He shall
save His people from their sin.(Matthew 1vs21).
This is a song that has come to remind us of the person of Jesus Christ, how miraculously He came
to save man from the mess and judgement of Satan.
He’s the light that shines that the darkness cannot
comprehend.(john 1vs4-5). He’s also known as the
Governor of the universe and ruler of all according
(Matthew 2vs6). So as we are celebrating Christmas this season I want us to think and focus more on
the prize that Jesus paid for us and also let us work
hard to use all means that God has given to us to
win the world back to God. Jonas Dan features his
friend and sister, the Kogi born gospel and award
winning singer – Mabel Balagbogbo a.k.a MABELSINGS.
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