Prophetic Psalmist and Gospel Artist Kudzie G. Phiri (KGP) is a multi-talented, gifted minister of song. She felt the call for ministry at the tender age of four and ever since that time has sought to understand the extent of the call. She is a worshiper who since childhood has found solace and peace in the presence of God. She dabbled in different fields until the call for music ministry became too strong to ignore. Totally surrendered to her role as music minister, she has a dynamic, creative and innovative musical mind as well as an astute sense and comprehension of the art of music. A recording artist as well as a worship leader, Kudzie has captured her love for God and ushered others in the presence of God in a number of recordings.
Determined to help people experience the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, she released her first single in March 2013, dubbed “Psalms in Song”. Her debut album, “Call It into Time” dropped in July 2013. In 2014, she started working on her second album, “I Am Kingdom”, with her group The New Wind. Released in March 2015, the project introduced the New Wind as well as her new label, New Wind Music. Kudzie, along with two other great musical minds, formed the trio who run the praise and worship record label.
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In addition to being a worship leader, Kudzie G. Phiri developed a vocal training program titled, “Do You Understand What You Are Singing?”. This program not only aims at equipping the singer in the specifics of working the gift and the art of presentation but also teaches the role the Spirit plays in music.
She says, “I have a desire to see the name of Jesus lifted in the earth and to see us realize who we are. We are Kingdom beings, made in the image and the likeness of God our Father. Through the ministry of music, we can change the world and transform the earth! As Kingdom citizens, God gave us a mandate to take dominion. We have a responsibility in our communities to make others’ lives better and bring people to the knowledge of His glorious Majesty!”
Encouraging the people of God to take dominion is important to Kudzie and Dominion is the title of her future release. She is currently putting the finishing touches on the upcoming release scheduled to drop in June 2018. In 2016, she released two singles from the forthcoming release, “Heaven Hears” and “Whispers of Love”.
Facebook: kudziegphiri or www.facebook.com/thenewwind
Twitter: @kudziegphiri
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