JESUS MY LORD by Obed Thompson (@obedmegamusic)
Obed Thompson is a fast rising gospel artist from the
Eastern part of Nigeria Abia State to be precised. A worshiper | Motivational | praise
singer, who has in the past worked with a lots of Artists and
has really blessed a lots of life’s through is music
Obed Thompson actually started is music career/dream
5years ago, after the release of several hit songs, Like
“Hallelujah” & ” Let Your Glory fall ” and now this amazing singer is
totally out again with another stunning hit single, titled –
“JESUS MY LORD” A song which he actually said he was
inspired by the Holy Spirit, he actually wrote this song
January, 2015 and perfected it in April.
This songs is a spirit filled song that has been blessing lots
of souls. Obed Thompson said that Jesus is the only name
that can save. Indeed he’s My deepest Obsession. I sing
Jesus, I dance, i minister and showcase my self for Jesus,
Everything I do, all for Jesus..
Download and listen to this amazing song by this amazing
Artiste as he blesses the Lord with his unique voice,
more to come….
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