Prince Sam Uche is out with a brand new single he titles “Ebubedike“, a song that combines the praise and worship of Jehovah extolling him as “The Great and Mighty One”.
Ebubedike is a song of the hour, one you would love to sing whenever you feel like praising or worshipping. It serves every mood. We are most certain you will love this song.
Ebubedike is produced by the ace music producer Ebenezer Iriemi.
I have come to understand that one good and simple way that God can access a man is through music. At a point in the middle of 2020, it look as if God has forgotten his people, the Earth was out of form, death became the order of the day and I said to myself, “is there anything too difficult for God to do.?” And I heard a word from the throne of Grace saying “have you forgotten that I am EBUBEDIKE.” – Prince Sam Uche
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Prince Sam Uche, Ebubedike,
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