The song Burning is all about the revelation i had on 4th February 2020. The SPIRIT OF GOD took me around the spiritual realm, revealing alot of things to me, He showed me a round tunnel that leads to hellfire, full of aggressive fire and it smells so awful, brethren this is real. He also took me to a massive group of GOD’S army, singing with a loud voices “We are burning to a glorious city”.
After some days past, In a few seconds of a trance, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST appeared in front of me, there was a brighting fire around HIM, with a white garment and i cannot be able to describe the beauty of this garment, JESUS only stretch out HIS right hand towards me, HE only whispered to me, daughter I’M COMING SOON.
Brethren this is real, the time is now, How far have you prepared to see your owner, this is the session of a preparation time, I pray for you and me, that we all will rapture to this our MAKER and the beautiful glorious city, May you receive the wisdom of the HOLY SPIRIT to be perfect in front your of our MAKER.
Download & be blessed
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