Skenz1&2 bring to you another beautiful and lovely praise and thanksgiving song
“YAU” (today) ft. one of BLW’s finest if not
the best! He’s called #Youngruler
#MrPresident #SonOfJamgbadi, Mr Sam
Jamz as we all know. There’s this
uniqueness when he drops his rhymes. Bringing Sam Jamz on this song gives it a
different feel one cannot explain until he
or she listens to it.
“ ‘YAU’ is a beautiful Hausa song which
many maybe familiar with the chorus, but
we decided to do it in our own way/style and you have to listen to understand
exactly what we mean…. we are saying
THANK you to Jesus for bringing us this
far and still keeping us going.” say
“YAU” (today) is produced by Jrocks, mix mastered, and guitar played by the
renown Iyke Onka so we invite you to
come THANK God with us as Bigtoonz
Music present Ibrahim & Oumar
(Skenz1&2) yet again!… Enjoy!
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