There is this remarkable experience Jesus had when he healed ten lepers and only one of them came back to appreciate what Jesus had done. Jesus asked a question “Where are the remaining nine”. God expects us to be appreciative and come back to say thank you for all the good things he has done in our life. However only a few people do this.
This is why a song like MOMOYI should be on regular play in your car, house and even in your church because it is a song that talks about the greatness of God from a heart that sincerely appreciates. The song was inspired by the Holy Spirit during at a time when the composer considered the great things God was doing despite the crisis around. You might be experiencing a crisis but if you think we’ll enough, you would still see that God is indeed faithful.
Momoyi is a Yoruba word that means “I know thy value”. Anyone that thinks deeply would indeed know the value of what God has done in his/her life. This wonderful song composed by Sola Ayaosi is filled with scriptural insight that would make anyone to go into indepth worship of the creator of the universe. Stop focusing on what has not happened but pay attention on the ones God has done and thank him for it through this song of appreciation because those who appreciate God never depreciates.
Sola Ayaosi is a spirit filled song writer and gospel artist who is an ex-banker now in business. She is passionate about impacting lives for God and she does that through spirit filled songs like Momoyi and other tracks that are blessing people worldwide. Her album titled MOFEYINTI would be released towards the end of November 2016.
Download & Enjoy!!!
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