Upon you, I was cast from birth;
You have been my God from my mother’s womb… Psalm 22:10
The days are coming when the love of many shall wax cold… Cheers! The intentional Lovers of God will still stand through the trials, tribulations and persecutions..
They will look to God and say:
No matter what, YOU STILL REMAIN MY GOD.
Radicals of Christ will stand because he is Forever our God.
It’s going to bless and encourage us to stand firm in Christ Jesus.
I can only say I’m a lady Helped by God….
Looking back from where I come from, I can only say that it was his grace that preserved me till this point….. And I believe lots of people have this same testimony… He is indeed my God, when there is no one to run to, He is the only I can run to.
I would have been long gone but he kept till now…. So I’m declaring that he is forever my God
Stella Chukwuma.
Instagram: Stella_chukwuma
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