Timothy E. Is a dynamic and seasoned gospel minister with the mandate of preaching the pure Gospel through music.
Never fails is an heavenly sound produced by DR. Simmy, it is a song that would strengthen your faith and restore your confidence in God.
Facebook: Timothy E. Music
Instagram: Timothy_Emusic
YouTube: Timothy E. Music
I know a God who never fails
His name is yaweh, his name is yaweh *2
Keeper of Isreal, he’s our God
He’s our God
The balm of Gilead
He’s our God He’s our God
Don’t let what you see make you forget what he said
Don’t let what you feel
Make you forget what he told you
He’s never lost a battle
He’ll never fail
His words are ye and amen
He’ll never fail
Keeper of Isreal, he’s our God
He’s our God
The balm of Gilead
He’s our God He’s our God
The God who never fails
Yes you’ve never fail
Yes you’ve never failed before
Yes you never fail
God who never fails
You have never failed
And you will never fail
Yes you never fail
God whole never fail
You have never failed me
Your words are ye and amen
And you will never fail
God who never fail
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