God is still working miracles!
Gospel artiste Nathaniel Bassey shared this testimony of a lady identified as Ndanatswa-Maggie Masek, who had advanced breast cancer and had a short time to live.
In spite of various medical treatments, the cancer remained. However, after participating in the two editions of Nathaniel Bassey’s ‘Halleluyah challenge’ and having strong faith in God, the unbelievable happened.
Here is her testimony as shared by Bassey:
“Dear Pastor,
I am leaping with joy , my name is Ndanatswa -Maggie Maseko and please do not hide my name . I have sent you pictures on instagram . It’s been a long journey and l will try and summarise. I was diagnosed with locally advanced invasive lobular carcinoma left breast, grade 2 ER 8/8 HER2 negative, 5/8 nodes. I went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy only to be told that the disease was MORE locally advanced, the tumour was fixed to skin and chest wall. I was told that there was nothing which could be done anymore for me, the cancerous tumour was inoperable as it was attached to my chest wall and l should continue talking letrozole.
In other words, it meant that it was only a matter of time before l went to glory. Try and imagine how difficult it is to be told that you are going to die. I continued as normal because l refused to accept this terrible report, l told my family and close friends. I chose to trust God over what the doctors were saying. KICC(Chatham) is the church that l go to, pastor Matthew A Ashimolowo (2016) prayed for me and the whole church was in agreement. He rebuked the spirit of death, cursed cancer and l kept thanking God for prolonging my life.
Then pastor Nathaniel Bassey (2017) led the Hallelujah Challenge (Olowogbogboro and Open Heavens ) and l participated in both . Pastor Nathaniel came to London during the Olowogbogboro and l was ill, could not attend but my friend Sophia Francis attended and asked Pastor Nathaniel to pray for me over the phone and he did. During the Open Heavens people with cancer were prayed for, it was one of the diseases which was placed in Pastor Nathaniel’s spirit. Pastor Nathaniel was given a word by God and l quote, before this year ends 2017, you will hear a sound that will cause everything around you and within you to leap for joy. I kept reminding God of His word.
Yesterday (17/12/2017) pastor Mathew Ashimolowo shared a testimony of a man who was supernaturally healed of cancer. I tapped into the anointing and l danced before God for my healing. Today (18/12/2017) l went to Royal Marsden hospital.
Last week l had all sorts of scans and tests done. To the glory of God, the results show 2 EXTREMELY SMALL patches in my breast of which they are not even sure if its active cancer and that cancer never spread in my body. The consultant said it’s as if l have never had cancer. I broke down, cried and thanked God in front of the medical professionals. I was given a year to live, was told that my case is hopeless, and nothing can be done. I had cancer all over my left breast and under my armpit. Don’t tell me that God is not real. Will be having surgery to remove the EXTREMELY small patches, but l believe God will take the small patches too. So much l could have written but l had to summarise. I am leaping with joy, God is more than able and He is faithful. Just believe God one more time, He is a God of hopeless situations. Cancer met JESUS CHRIST .
2 years 6 months l had cancer and it was an aggressive type of cancer but it did not spread in my body . No-one can tell me that God is not real , l will call that person a liar . I know Olowogbogboro for myself and no-one can tell me otherwise . Everything around me and within me is leaping for joy.
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