From the popular suburbs of Mushin, to the streets
of Oke-afa, Isolo, to the ever bubbling town of
Badore, to the popular Elegushi, to Lagos Island on
the districts of EbuteMetta is how far House on The
Rock Church as touched over 20,000 families,
taking this year’s outreach to a whole different level
Reaching the unreached, touching lives, upholding
people and giving hope and putting smiles on
faces, in the celebration of the birth of Christ. In the
word of Pastor Paul Adefarasin, “Joy to the world,
on Earth peace and good will to men. SPREAD the
BREAD. Let’s feed the poor together this season”On social media, the church challenged us all to do
same in our own communities…are you next?
More pictures from the Project Spread outreach
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