Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has claimed that Jesus Christ was surrounded by bodyguards who were armed to protect him from danger.
He said this on Sunday to shed light on how some people mindlessly criticise pastors who move around with police escorts
Making reference to when Peter cut the ear of a man with a sword, Suleman said the disciples of Jesus played the role of bodyguards for him.
He said: “I have observed that people who are attacking men of God can’t stand to be attacked. You speak against them, they will insult you; they will block you.
“The men of God they are attacking are not even answering. They are ignoring them. I do not support when pastors begin to place curse on people because they are expressing their personal belief and opinions.
“Jesus Christ had 12 disciples and they were following him everywhere. Peter took a sword and cut-off somebody’s ear and Jesus told him to sheath his sword meaning that as they were following Jesus they were armed.
“Today, if a man of God has policemen around him, they will criticise him.”
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