Pope Francis has called on every European
parish, religious community, monastery and
sanctuary to take in one refugee family, as
thousands of people from war-torn countries
continued to stream into Germany via Austria.
The pope said on Sunday the Vatican would open its doors to two refugee families, but
provided few details as he addressed tens of
thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square.
Francis said it was not enough to say, “Have
courage, hang in there”, to the hundreds of
thousands of refugees who are on the march
toward what he called “life’s hope”.
He called on every Catholic parish, convent,
monastery and sanctuary in Europe to shelter a
family, and asked bishops throughout Europe
to urge their dioceses to do the same.
His comments came after about 8,000 refugees
arrived in Munich over the past two days, with a
further 8,000 expected to arrive on Sunday.
They seemed dazed by the calls of “Welcome to
Munich”, from the few dozen well-wishers
remaining at around midnight, as well as by their determination to thrust chocolate bars,
bananas or bread rolls into their hands.
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