Humble Beast and Western Seminary are
partnering together to present The Canvas
Conference on August 12 and 13 at the
Imago Dei Community in Portland, OR.
The vision of the conference is to “inform all
acts of human creativity and beauty with
Biblical, gospel-centered theology for the
worship of the triune God.”
Speakers include Bret Lott, Shai Linne, Aaron
Ivey, Micah Bournes, and more. Some of the
performers include Propaganda, Jackie Hill
Perry, Kings Kaleidoscope, and more.
The press release states:
“By design, the Canvas Conference stands at
the intersection of theology and creativity.
Our hope and heart in this venture is
gospel-oriented and gospel-driven. We
want to help build strong theological
foundations for the artist and, likewise, to push Christians to pursue creative
orthodoxy in their theological craft. We
have found that without theology, creativity
wanders from its original significance and
purpose; while without creativity, theology
often becomes cold, distant, and futile.
In response, The Canvas Conference seeks
to build bridges between the artist and the
theologian by inviting God to take center
stage in every human endeavor. We want to
watch the Lord as he put theology and
creativity in their proper place. We want to show that creativity begins and ends with
the God of Christian Scripture. It is our
Creator who created us in his image to
create. Thus, we should do so for his glory,
for our good, and for the benefit of all. To
do this rightly, we need to hear God speak. So we gather together at Canvas to listen to
the Lord and be changed by his thoughts
on art, the creative act, what he thinks
about us, what he has made us to be, and
how he can transform our broken attempts
at beauty into means of divine grace.”
The theme of the event will be images and
idols. The Canvas Conference hopes to
show the balance of sin and purpose and
how to glorify God through art, rather than
make it a “god.”
Early registration is $55, which is a savings
of $20 if done before April 30.
There are also VIP lunch/dinner and Q&A
tickets available for $100 as well as a ticket
that includes both for $120.
For more information on the event,
speakers, performers, and tickets, click HERE
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