The Gospel Coalition asked Humble Beast poet/emcee Jackie Hill Perry in a new interview, “What do you need to know about sexual identity if your child seems confused?”
“I think you need to know God’s intention for sexuality, in the sense of in Genesis 1 when God said, ‘Let us make man in our image,’ and, ‘In the image of God, he made them male and female,'” Hill Perry said. “I think we see in the scripture that gender or sex is not fluid. It’s not open to interpretation. It’s not available for us as human beings to change. God is God, and I think as parentswe have to be convinced of this truth because if we’re not convinced of this truth, we’ll easily be led astray by trying to please and affirm our children.”
Watch the full video below.
Hill Perry, who is interviewed often about same-sex attraction due to her Christian testimony, is currently writing her first book.
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