The Catholic Bishop of Owerri Diocese, his grace
AJV Obinna has come out to join the live event
happening at Nkpor, Anambra State.
It is indeed a good development, seeing a man of
God who came all the way from Owerri, join IPOB in
remembering their fallen heroes this day.
Recall that scores of Biafrans were massacred
earlier this morning while asleep, right inside
St.Francis Catholic Church by the Nigerian army. We
are counting on the Parish priest and Bishop to
give a good account of today’s sad event.
Bishop Obinna today showed resilience, which
signified that he would rather die standing
shoulder to shoulder with his flock than than stay
indoors while the brutal army and police continue
killing Biafrans
Today’s event has been chaotic with so many
deaths recorded, while others are wounded. This
is another day that will go down in the history of
the contraption called Nigeria, that the combined
forces of the Nigerian army, Navy and police
gunned down harmless Biafrans.
Americans few days remembered their fallen
heroes who died at Hiroshima in Japan years ago,
other civilized country do observe memorable
events like this one, but it is unfortunate that
Nigeria as a black African country governed by a
genocidist, consider it a crime to remember our dead heroes.
We are placing the world on notice, especially
Amnesty International, United Nations and other
human rights organisation that the killing of
Biafrans is still ongoing. The killings did not end
with the civil war, but it has just began!
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