Children of God in the house help me give the lord a shout,i give glory to the kings of kings and lord of lords for his Grace and mercy upon my life.
I was born into the family of late Alhaji Ahmed Ali Negedu as Halimatu Sadiya A Negedu,my dad is a well known Alhaji @my place which is Ankpa local government area of Kogi state.
On this fateful day in the Year 2O11,i was lying down in our parlour listening to joy fm when a man of God gave a prophecy that they is a young lying down and listening to me,the young man in your life just want to destroy you.christ loves you and need you,i believe him and know he was referring to me because they was a serious issue then.i travelled all the way to benue state to meet the man of God without my people’s knowledge and there I gave my life to christ but when I returned home I couldn’t practice Christianity because of my people’s reaction but fast-forward to 3rd of March 2012 the man of God came to host a crusade @ankpa local government area of Kogi state and I attended the crusade and on that crusade ground just like the days of Saul the lord visited me himself.they was a bright light that was making me go blind and I heard a voice saying I should surrender to him or go blind, I struggled very well to open my eyes no way so I gave up and gave my life to christ in total submission to serve him all the days of my life.
After the encounter the holy spirit Gave me a new identity and I was named GRACE,,but my dear brothers and sisters in the lord the persecution came.every where I stepped I became the object of gossip,,rejection came but I never gave up on christ..i really love him from the depth of my heart because it is in his able hands,there is no kind of charm of arrow that was not formed @me but none prospered because christ is with me living and dwelling inside of me, nobody disowned me in as much as they don’t want to have anything to do with me but I live n still living in my father’s house.
The reason for this testimony is to empower new converts to be strong in the lord,i know so many people that have fallen along the way..don’t be that person, the devil is a liar and Jesus is the sweetest thing I know. I have encountered so many temptations and afflictions but my faith keep waxing strong in God because it all his doings.
If you know your purpose of serving God then Nothing should shake your faith or make you have mixed feelings towards serving him for ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free(John 8:32).
My advice to those who re yet to give their life to christ is to do so because he is truly the way,the truth and the life. He is the greatest, he is the highest, the biggest, the largest, the mightiest, he is beautiful, marvellous, righteous, holy, faithful, merciful, gracious in his ways, he is the great healer,the miracle worker,the most excellency, his royal highness, his majesty, the alpha n omega, awanilawaso, agbanilagbato, chidima, chidebube, akanagworia, oyenememma,bomimi ni momimi, he is worthy to be praised, worthy to be worshipped, worthy to me magnified, worthy to be glorified, he is the great iam, the God that heaven is his abode and earth his footstool, ,he never lost a battle, oghene doooo, baba eshe gaun, oba gbogbo aye,,the burning bush that doesn’t consume, he raised the dead to life,he made the blind to see,the lame to walk,the deaf to hear,the dumb to speak, the barren to give birth,,he is the stone of sharon, he is precious than Gold,the lille of the valley, the bright morning star..AGABAIDUH, the lion of the tribe of judah..he who is, who was n is to come,my prince of peace,my defender, provider, my pprotector, my signs and wonders.HALLELLUYA!
If you love christ appreciate him with your words n your likes…
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