Pastor Prince, I started following your teachings about six or seven years ago, and my eyes were opened to the grace of God. I learned that I could receive good that I did not deserve, because Jesus received punishment that He did not deserve at the cross.
A few months ago, I started to take hold of your teachings on Mark 11:23—whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea,” and believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
I began to curse the warts that had been growing on my elbow, hands, and skin for ten years. It had been frustrating trying to deal with them as they always popped back up no matter what methods I used to remove them. They also made me insecure about my appearance.
But thank God for His promises in Mark 11:23! After cursing the warts and declaring them “cast into the sea” whenever they bothered me, the warts disappeared completely—in just three weeks! What medicine could not do for me, God did. Praise the Lord!
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your messages. Truly, God has been using you to impact the world with the grace gospel. May God bless you more and more!
The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Philippines
Source: Joseph Prince
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