Don’t call it a comeback! Nintendo, the original OG of the video game industry (sorry Atari), has hopped into their DeLorean and brought back the system that cemented its reign as the king of consoles in the early 90’s, the SNES. Now, the SNES Classic, which hits shelves Sept 29, has sent the Internet into a frenzy.
Preorders of the miniature console have sold out like Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Choir. Jam packed with 16-bit goodness, the console comes loaded to the brim with classics that are sure to bring back the memories.
To celebrate the upcoming release, Rapzilla asked some of your favorite rappers how they felt about the Super Nintendo’s return.
Marty of Social Club:
I’ve had one for years, and while they were in line waiting I was mastering my skills. If anyone wants to catch hands in Killer instinct , I’ll be TJ Combo. I also carry a portable SNES on tour. I am the Nintendo King!
I’m definitely excited about this SNES re-release. In my opinion, the SNES was the best system ever made. Of course not because of the graphics, but because of the actual games & game play. The SNES revolutionized gaming systems and had a gang of classics.
Ki’Shon Furlow
Man the SNES came out before I was born and I still had one which speaks volumes to its classic nature. Growing up, a lot of people couldn’t really afford video games in my neighborhood, but my family had them and we were one of those houses that everyone used to come over and play Donkey Kong Country 2 cuz it was two player. I had like 50+games on SNES, not just the more popular ones.
Classic games are like Classic albums, you can revisit them and remember where you were when you first played em. You get inspiration from the places in life that brought you where you are today. I’m definitely copping on the re-release. I think in this era more than era we strive for nostalgia. A place where the digital world and the real world was a little more divided. But I’m Akuma on street fighter and I dare anybody to come see me!
I remember my first time playing SNES – I was a kid and my step dad had brought it over when he was dating my mom, basically to keep me occupied but it changed my life. He brought it over with Super Mario World & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time (2 of my favorite games of all time) and I’ve been hooked ever since.
I think it’s awesome they are re-releasing it (if you manage to get your hands on one) because not only is it nostalgic, but it gives the younger generation a chance to experience what we experienced growing up. Taking ’em back! A lot of newer games are all about graphics etc but the SNES is all about FUN, and that system has some of the best games ever created IMO, So this is AWESOME!
Jered Sanders:
Maaaaaaaan. I never owned one. I was a SEGA head
DJ Chris Chicago:
Man, I have so many memories of Super NES. My favorite game was Sim City. I remember letting the game sit on for hours and hours and hours. Like I would go do other stuff and let that money build up so I could build stuff. Super Techno Bowl and Mario Kart were my jam. You just don’t get any better than some of those games, man.
Steve Solis (Rapzilla’s Wizard Of Oz):
No more illegal emulator ROMS necessary for me to go back to playing the games I used to be good at but suck at now!
Justin Sarachik (Rapzilla):
I never had a SNES as a kid but always played at my cousins’ house. I was a SEGA Geneses guy, so now is my big chance to grab one brand new.
How do you feel about the SNES coming back? Share some of your memories and comment below!
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