Shalom Saints,
Because of the thought I need to communicate, I have used two words in inverted commas. That’s because The phrase HIT SONG is a term I shy away from, especially when it has to do with music ministry. And that’s because many times it creates a wrong impression and understanding of what music ministry is about. And besides, the phrase “hit song” can be very subjective. Because what we may regard a hit song may just be an earthly idea and not necessarily God’s sometimes.
Now to my thought. One of the dangers of having a known song or songs is that if the opportunities that follow, I.e, the accompanying invitations, fame and attention, are poorly managed, the new experience may hinder you from doing the things and being in the place you were when the revelation(s) came. Established music ministers would understand this.
After a while, you become very busy to stay in the “place” (spiritual place that is) you stood to experience the truth you expressed in the songs that have now made you known.
So for me, from time to time I have to check my heart, withdraw and ensure that I’ve not lost that child like enthusiasm for the Lord and yearning for His presence.
Guys! Let me tell you, it’s difficult to maintain that fire and oil if you are not careful.
That’s why after a while you begin to hear shallow songs and works from people whose works had before now caused such a Revival in the lives of people.
We must constantly seek to minister from an OVERFLOW.
When you begin to see that you are not excited about spending time with God, in private worship, word, prayer and fellowship, STOP. When your heart gradually gets hardened and unresponsive to the things of the Spirit STOP. When you begin to have a sense of I KNOW HOW THIS THING WORKS, and you no longer have to depend on the Spirit for help. STOP 🛑 & return to your first love. Rev 2.
May the Lord help everyone of us. Ministers in word and music in Jesus’ mighty name.
STOP!!!Want To Promote Your Song?