Following a trip to Maiduguri at the center of the
Boko Haram insurgency this week, USAID’s Office
for Foreign Disaster Assistance Director Jeremy
Konyndyk announced $37 million in new funding
to support additional humanitarian assistance for
people affected by the conflict and severe food insecurity in Nigeria and throughout the Lake
Chad Basin.
At a press conference Wednesday, August 10, at
the Nigerian Emergency Management Agency,
Konyndyk said the funding for assistance
implemented by international NGOs and UN agencies brings the total USAID humanitarian
support for the region to $318 million since last
year. The United States is the single largest
humanitarian donor to the region.
“The United States is committed to supporting
Nigeria to ease this humanitarian crisis,”
Konyndyk said, and help sustain this vulnerable
population until they can resume livelihoods
upended by conflict.
Despite gradually improving security conditions,
the humanitarian situation remains dire.
Throughout the region, approximately 5 million
people need emergency food assistance and 2.5
million people are displaced.
“These issues are enormous,” Muhammad Sani
Sidi, director general of the Nigeria Emergency
Management Agency said, but added we are
working toward a “full recovery,” including job
skills training for the displaced.
Source: USAID Nigeria 1
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