Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentines’s Day, originated as a church holiday on February 14th to honor martyrs of the faith – saints whose names were Valentine or Valentinus. It is believed that the first heart valentine note was sent by a Valentine who was in prison for a girl he loved. Valentines notes have been recorded for as far back as the Middle ages. While the meaning and celebrations of Valentine’s Day has changed, it has remained as a special day to shower with love those we hold close.
Valentine’s day can create a variety of emotions for different people. For some it creates great satisfaction celebrating the love you have between you, your spouse, and your friends & family.
For others it can cause feelings of loneliness. Whether you are single or in a relationship, let these Bible verses encourage you to celebrate, for God has unconditional and indescribable love for us. No matter your age or stage in life, Valentine’s Day can be celebrated because of God’s great love.
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