BREAKING: After 8years Break From Music, Grace Jerry Is Back


“For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show my power in you and that my name maybe declared in all the earth” Rm 9:17.

After 8years break from Music, Grace Jerry is back!!!

On the 6th of February 2020, which happened to be her birthday. Gracie made a great comeback with a LIVE video & audio recording of her new album featuring Gods generals like her father, mentor the legendary Dr. Panam Percy Paull, her Pastor Chingtok Ibrahim Ishaku and the renowned House of Judah.

She worked with producers & friends Raymond Ediga, Godswill Joseph (G-Wills), @Ibkings Ibrahim Mshelia, Jeremiah F Coker Notashamed and the Picture Africa crew (Jesse John and Eddymark Onoja)

Picture credit Abbas Fasasi photos


Instagram: @idependongrace

YouTube channel: Grace Jerry

Connect And This Space For More Information On The Release Of Gracie’s New Album.

#Experiencegrace #Gracejerry

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