“Freeze my brother, I love you and appreciate the times you supported my music. Here’s my reply to your advice to me.
“We can quote scriptures back on forth on this tithe matter and I have quoted many myself, but such strivings would be fruitless, and we would be sinning in the light of 2nd Timothy 2:23, no matter which side you’re on.
“One thing I believe and you must know about Jehovah God, the Father of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is that neither you nor I nor any human being for that matter can fight for Him. He is big enough and powerful enough to fight for Himself. My little experience with Him is that you allow God to prove Himself by Himself, in the course of time.
“Jesus is jealous for His Church you know, so the matter of who’s right or wrong, who’s cheating and deceiving in the whole rouse of tithing in churches, will surely be settled; and it will be clear for all to see who’s side God is on. I believe we will see it sooner or later, in our lifetime.
.”So my own advice is, allow God to fight for Himself and prove Himself with His mighty acts. Of course He is looking intently and watching right now how we all are carrying on with this, especially in the light of the greatest commandment which He gave us, which is Love. .
“I hope you get to share this too with your followers, so that they also will take heed and not err constantly with insults, dishonourable words and actions against individuals and against the body of Christ, which do not please God.
“For me I consciously chose to leave everything and follow Christ, so I’m glad to bear His marks in my life and ministry (Galatians 6:17). The life and walk in Him is too sweet and precious to give up for anything else in the world!
I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
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