Gospel music artiste “Henrisoul” passes message to the church.. He says!!!
The system and structure of the world’s business
idea for growth, has been adopted by the church to
gain more customers, sorry I mean members to the
It is another beautiful Sunday to hear a motivational
word to sustain us for the week. Its more like a weekly staff meeting to keep the company alive
pardon me “the church” I mean.
Members are tired of hearing the same word over
and over again. Their hungry souls ayarns for living
water to quench their thirst.
The word without POWER/FIRE makes the church A clubhouse where we come to dance and go back
home empty.
But hear the voice of the Lord!
“Arise!!! “O” ye sleeping giants,
Wake up!!! from your slumber
Travail!!! in prayers!!! for the World needs REVIVAL,
We need the out pouring of the SPIRIT afresh,
Now is the time for the manifestation of the SONS of
Where are the prophets?
Where are the Apostles? Where are the die hard God chasers?
We need FIRE
We need POWER
We need the sekinah GLORY…
Pray church, PRAY!
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